Method 1:
Provide website builder for all clients
Method 2:
Provide website builder for specific hosting products
Method 3:
Provide website builder as a product addon
Method 4:
Provide website builder for free by default and paid for those who purchase a product addon
Method 5:
Provide builder for free for subdomains and paid for domains
By default the module is available for all customers who has active shared hosting product(s). But if you made changes to module configuration, then take the following steps to make the module available for all again:
After that all customers should see builder button on page of each shared hosting product.
After that those customers who purchase builder shared hosting products will be presented with a builder button on their pages.
After that all customers who have active shared hosting product will be presented with a purchasable builder module with an extra price to their hosting. Once the client purchases the addon, the builder button will appear on his page.
{"a": "Site Builder Premium"}
After that all customers by default will have access to builder "Tiny" or "Free" plan (depending on which one you selected as default), and those who purchase the addon "Site Builder Premium" will have "Full" builder plan.
Value "Site Builder Premium" is used as an example. You can change it to your desired name.
{"d": ["", ""]}
After that all customers by default will have access to builder plan "Full", and those who have subdomains which end with either "" or "" will have "Tiny" or "Free" plan (depending on what plan you specified the condition for).
Values "" and "" are used as an example. Change them to your domains. You can also specify more of them or leave only one.
See how to configure automated registration from public demo builder on WHMCS.
WHMCS 是專為網路企業設計的一體化客戶管理、計費和支持解決方案。WHMCS 幫助組織和自動操作企業的所有方面,從最初的客戶註冊和訂購,到定期計費和開票,以及通過內置幫助臺提供技術支持,這是一項安全、可擴展、可伸縮的解決方案,讓您輕鬆掌控一切。 WHMCS 無限的網站